

Struggling to turn clicks into sales on your e-commerce store? You need to nail your e-commerce landing page design—optimize it for conversion.

If your landing pages aren't pulling their weight, you're missing out on a lot of revenue.

You've already put in the hard work, but potential customers can slip right through your fingers without a solid landing page.

We get it: You've spent a lot of money on SEO and paid ads to get traffic to your landing page. But seeing visitors bounce shatters your soul.

A great landing page doesn't just mean it should look good—it should steer your customers from window shopping to hitting 'buy.'

The average landing page conversion rate is 6.6%, and if yours is lower than that, you need to seriously work on it.

You need to nail every element on your landing page—be it your layout, copy, or call-to-action.

So, how do you design landing pages that actually convert?

Read on for practical tips for designing e-commerce landing pages to keep your visitors on your site—and spending.

Why Bother with Your E-commerce Landing Page Design?

If you're running an e-commerce store, you’ve spent a lot getting your products right, sorting out shipping, and managing stock—but what about your landing pages?

Poor landing page design is one of the biggest sales killers out there, especially for e-commerce.

If your pages aren’t doing their job, you’re waving goodbye to a lot of cash. Here's why your landing page design matters—and why it should be top of the list:

First Impressions: Your One Shot to Make a Great Impact

Your landing page is the first thing visitors see after clicking on an ad, Google search, or social media link. That's your one chance at making a great first impression.

You have less than 54 seconds to catch a visitor’s attention before they bounce.

For an e-commerce owner, that means your landing page needs to be bang-on from the get-go.

A messy, confusing layout will have your potential buyers leaving your website for your competitor. If your product details are buried in slabs of text or your images take forever to load, they’re already gone.

Your landing page should be clean, simple to navigate, and hyper-focused on turning visitors into paying customers.

Stop Visitors From Leaving

Every time a visitor leaves without signing up, adding something to the cart, or making a purchase, that’s called a bounce.

And for any e-commerce store owner, high bounce rates are a dead-set nightmare—they're the definition of missed opportunities.

Your landing page design plays a huge role in keeping people from bouncing.

Dodgy navigation, overcrowded pages, or no clear calls-to-action send visitors to your competitors.

A clean, easy-to-follow design with clear instructions, though, keeps your visitors on-site longer and increases the chances that they'll stick around long enough to make a purchase.

Say you land on a page that looks like it’s been created in the ’90s, cluttered with junk, or worse—suspicious.

It's super safe to say that you wouldn’t hang around for long. Neither will your customers. A sleek, professional layout screams trust, which is key when you want to convince new visitors to buy from you.

Increase Conversions

Your landing page’s goal is pretty clear and simple: convert. A well-designed landing page should guide visitors towards taking action.

And if it’s not, think why.

If your landing page is poor, you’re basically flushing cash down the drain.

Here are a few questions you need answers to:

  • Are your product pictures on point?
  • Is your checkout process smooth?
  • Does your landing page speak directly to your target customers?

Capture the Mobile Market

64% of online shopping is done on mobiles. If your landing page isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re basically shutting the door on more than half your potential sales.

Image showing the distribution of mobile shopping

Mobile shoppers want things fast and easy, and if your page is slow, they’ll leave it.

Be sure your landing page looks and works just as good on a phone as it does on a desktop.

A fully responsive landing page means your store works perfectly on any device. Give your mobile shoppers a slick, user-friendly experience.

Build Trust

Trust is everything in e-commerce. Visitors won't drop a cent if someone doesn’t trust your site or your brand. And trust starts with your landing page.

Things like SSL certificates, customer reviews, and trust badges help, but they don't mean anything if your design looks dodgy.

A solid landing page grabs attention and builds confidence in your brand. With so many scammy sites, shoppers are cautious.

A clean, trustworthy design makes them feel safe spending their hard-earned money with you.

Speed Matters

Nothing turns off online shoppers more than slow-loading pages. Just a one-second delay can cut your conversions by 7%. It doesn’t sound like much, but those missed sales add up quickly.

Infographic showing a 7%-decrease in conversion if the site speed is bad

Your landing page design should be built for speed. Compress images, cut out the fluff, and make sure your site’s on a fast server. Slow pages also hurt your SEO.

If your landing page is slow, both users and Google will shove you down the rankings, and it'll be super hard for new customers to find you.

How to Design E-commerce Landing Pages That Convert

You have the traffic coming in, but your visitors are bailing before making a purchase—it's super frustrating. Here's how to design a landing page that hooks your visitors in and gets them over the line:

Create an Engaging Headline

Always work on creating an engaging and original headline for your e-commerce landing page. 

Appealing headlines attract visitors' attention and motivate them to stay on the landing page, making them an essential element of landing page optimization.

Your headline could be your first and last impression, so creating excitement and engagement with a powerful headline is crucial to getting more conversions.

Here's what your headline should accomplish:

  • Grab Attention: It must be compelling enough to hook visitors immediately.
  • Spark Curiosity: Make it intriguing and easy to understand.
  • Clarify the Page's Purpose: Ensure it clearly indicates what the page offers.
  • Be Concise: Aim for it to be super concise, ideally under 20 words.
  • Address Pain Points: Align it with the visitor's needs or problems.
  • Tease the Offer: Provide just enough information to entice without revealing everything.

Write a Persuasive Copy

To make your message more engaging, use convincing language that complies with emotions, like "you," "because," and "new."

Also, ensure your copy is relatable and in a conversational tone. New visitors to your landing page aren't familiar with your brand and offerings, so use engaging, approachable language to keep them interested and guide them effectively toward your desired action.

Use Video

Landing pages with videos pull in an average conversion rate of 4.8%, while the ones without a video have a 2.9% conversion rate.

Videos are a great way to keep visitors tuned in, and they’re way easier to get than just reading plain text. Seeing someone walk you through how to use a product beats reading a manual any day.

Get higher conversions with these tips for using videos on landing pages:

  • Hook them early: Start with a punchy intro that grabs attention in the first few seconds. Get straight to the point and show off the value.
  • Keep it short & sharp: Aim for 60-90 seconds. Short videos keep people engaged and get your message across faster.
  • Highlight benefits: Focus on how your product or service solves problems.
  • Include a clear call-to-action: End with a direct call-to-action (CTA) to guide viewers on what to do next.
  • Mobile optimized: Ensure your video loads fast and looks spot-on for mobile users.

Use a platform like Vidjet to embed videos at scale across all your product pages without impacting site speed.

Our shoppable video feature and mobile optimization drive higher engagement and conversions. Book a free demo today to see how it can modernize your e-commerce strategy.

Design a Prominent Call-to-action

Call-to-action is the most important part of your landing page, so to make a visitor take action, create an eye-catching, colorful, and catchy CTA button to stand out from all the other content.

CTAs can lead potential customers to different actions like navigating your site, subscribing to a newsletter, landing on specific product pages, or connecting to social media.

To make the maximum impact, use powerful and action-oriented CTAs like "Read Now, ""Sign Up," "Get it Now," etc.

For optimal CTA design, consider the following best practices:

  • Ensure your CTA is action-focused, such as "Download Now" or "Subscribe Today."
  • The CTA should be prominently visible and functional (avoid any broken links).
  • Keep the CTA text brief, ideally under 3-4 words.
  • Use vibrant colors that contrast with the rest of the page.
  • Focus your CTA copy on the benefits to the visitor.
  • Provide ample white space around the CTA to draw attention.
  • Place your CTA where it will get customers' attention.

Social Proof and Testimonials 

Showing social proof and customer testimonials on your landing page massively increases customers' chances of taking the required action.

You must show the influence your business has on social media platforms through subscribers, likes, shares, etc. Including these elements on your landing page is a good and recommended practice for improving your credibility.

Plus, you can build trust with your potential customers by showcasing customer testimonials to drive more conversions and better engagement.

Use a Reliable Hosting

When designing an e-commerce landing page, don't skimp on reliable hosting. If your site loads slowly, your customers will leave immediately.

A solid host keeps things running smoothly (especially when traffic spikes). Plus, with better security, you won't have to stress about hackers getting sensitive info.

The last thing you want is your site going down during a sale, so make sure you have hosting that's up to the job.

E-commerce Landing Page Mobile Optimization

If your landing page is only optimized for desktop or laptop use and not for mobile phones and tablets, you will lose a major chunk of sales and conversions. That's why landing page optimization for mobile is a must.

Here are a few tips to remember while designing a mobile landing page:

  • Use large fonts to avoid the need to zoom in to read it.
  • The landing page should have single-finger accessibility.
  • CTA should be large and easily accessible.
  • It should be fast-loading.

Wrapping Up: Designing E-commerce Landing Pages

There are many ways to create landing pages that really work, so test what works best for your audience and your product.

Know your buyers inside out, learn what gets them motivated to convert, and feel their pain points.

Then, design landing pages that sort them out with the solution they've been hanging out for.