

Adding product videos to your ecommerce store can increase sales significantly. In fact, 94% of users watch product or explainer videos. That's a huge number! 

In this guide, we will teach you everything you need to know about creating product videos that sell. We'll discuss the importance of product videos, and then move on to different types of product videos you can create. Let's get started!

What are product videos?

Product videos showcase a particular product. They introduce a new product, demonstrate its use, or show off its features. Product videos are an excellent way to engage potential customers and get them excited about your product.

There are three main types of product videos: demonstration videos, unboxing videos, and UGC videos.

No matter what type of product video you create, the most important thing is that it is informative and engaging. The best product videos are those that give potential customers the information they need to make a purchase decision, while also keeping them entertained.

Why are product videos likely to benefit your business?

In today’s day and age, people are used to doing their research before they buy anything. This is especially true when it comes to big-ticket items or items they have never purchased before.

Product videos introduce your product to potential customers and tell them what makes it special. You can use product videos to show off your product’s features, demonstrate how it works, or even talk about why you created it in the first place.  Your customers will gain trust in your business and become interested in making a purchase from you.

How do videos help product discovery?

In the past, people would usually find new products through word of mouth or by stumbling across them in a store. However, with the emergence and easy access of the internet and social media, people are much more likely to discover new products online.

There are a few ways that product videos can help with product discovery. Firstly, if you optimize your product videos for SEO, they will be more likely to show up in search results when people are looking for products like yours. Additionally, if you promote your product videos on social media or through email marketing, you will reach even more potential customers. Finally, displaying them on your website or online store gives potential customers another reason to visit your site and engage with it.

Screenshot from MUSU's presentation video

Different types of product videos for your online store

The three most common types of product videos are:

  1. Demonstration videos, 
  2. Unboxing videos, 
  3. UGC videos.

Demonstration Videos

Demonstration videos are exactly what they sound like—they demonstrate how to use a particular product. They are similar with video tutorials, which go more in-depth and give more details to the users. Ultimately, the end goal is the same for both. 

Demonstration videos are great for products that are new, or a bit complicated to use. If you have a product that potential customers might not know how to use, a demonstration video is a great way to show them how it works.

Fimpo’s demonstration video is a great example to follow. It demonstrates to visitors how to use their product to your nails in 5 easy steps. The colours are pleasant and you can tell that they didn’t need a huge budget or heavy equipment to create an awesome video!

Unboxing Videos 

These have become increasingly popular in recent years, due to testimonials on social media. These videos show the viewer what it is like to open and use a particular product. Unboxing videos are great for building excitement around a new product launch. You can also use them to give potential customers a more “hands-on” look at a product before they make a purchase. It’s very easy to make this type of video as you can do it either yourself or ask one of your happy customers to record one.

Have a look at Oilee’s unboxing video. They talk about packaging and the products that customers receive, and you can tell that they didn’t need a large amount of resources to record it! 

UGC Videos 

User generated content is everywhere on social media nowadays. This type of video content offers the viewers an authentic and engaging review, as it comes from someone who’s bought and tested your product already. In most cases, there’s an extra touch from the followers who trust the reviewer’s authority. You can ask your customers to record a quick video giving their opinion and feedback, or even run a contest on social media.

An excellent example of a UGC video comes from Scuba Screen. The reviewer starts the video by saying they made an exception with their brand because they love the products so much. This type of content not only improves brand loyalty, but also willingness to buy.

How to create product videos for your platform

As mentioned before, you don’t need a big budget or a crew to create product videos. The first step is to determine what type of video you want to create, from the examples above. Then, look no further than your phone camera, most modern ones are good enough to record a high quality video. Write a quick script if necessary, film the video, then use video editing software, such as Kapwing or CapCut. You don’t need lots of editing skills, either, because these apps are smart. The main thing is to remember to update applications on time to have all the latest cool features at your fingertips. Finally, you should upload your video to a platform like Vidjet and promote it on your website and social media channels.

Creating a product video doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With a little planning and some basic equipment, you can create high-quality content that will help you sell more products.

P.S If you have a bigger budget in mind and want to go professional, we recommend Billo.

How to structure product videos

Here are a few easy guidelines to follow when structuring your product videos:

  1. Your video should be between one and two minutes long. This is enough time to introduce your product and explain how it works, without boring your viewers.
  2. Second, you should start with a brief introduction. This is your chance to grab the viewer’s attention and give them an overview of what your video will be about.
  3. Include a demonstration of your product in action (even if it’s unboxing or UGC). This is the most important part of your video, so make sure that you showcase your product in a favorable light.
  4. Fourth, you should conclude with a call to action. This is where you tell the viewer what they should do next, such as use a promo code.
  5. End with a quick “Thank You” message or graphic. This is just another way to show your appreciation for the viewer’s time.

By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your product videos are engaging and effective.

How to film product videos for your ecommerce business

Now that you know how to structure your product videos, it’s time to talk about how to actually film them. The first step is to gather the necessary equipment. For most product videos, all you need is a decent smartphone and a tripod. If you want to get more creative with your shots, you might also want to invest in some additional lighting (like a ring light) or camera accessories.

Once you have your equipment ready, it’s time to start filming. When filming your product video, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. Make sure that your shots are stable and in focus. This will make your video look more professional. And, try to get a variety of different angles and shots. This will help keep the viewer’s attention focused on your product. 

How to take product videos with your phone

It’s simple! Grab your phone, place your product in a nice setting, and start recording!

How much does a product demo video cost?

You can record and publish a product video for free! If you record it with your phone, have direct access to your product, and have some natural light, you’re already half-way through. However, if you have a budget, you can work with freelancers, agencies, or even hire someone to do it. Costs can take you anywhere from 100$ to thousands.

How to publish product demo videos

Once your product demo video is complete, it’s time to publish it. There are a few different ways that you can do this:

  • upload it to your website, 
  • post it on social media, 
  • or even embed it in an email marketing campaign. 

Whichever method you choose, make sure that you include a call to action so that viewers know what they should do next. Whenever you publish videos with an Add-to-Cart button, Coupon Code collector, or any other CTA, you will increase sales on your website with a whopping 10%!

How to make a pop-up video for your site

The best option is to use an all-in-one video player tool like Vidjet. With it, you can publish your video on your website in a variety of formats: bubble, pop-up videos, sticky play button, and embed.

Is it important to offer subtitle videos?

In recent years, subtitling videos has become an increasingly popular trend in the world of video marketing. This is due to the fact that subtitles not only improve accessibility for those who are hard of hearing, but they also help businesses reach a wider audience by making their content more inclusive. In 2023, this trend is expected to continue to grow as more and more businesses realize the importance of catering to all audiences. Subtitles can also improve the user experience by allowing viewers to watch videos in noisy environments where audio may not be clear. With the rise of mobile video consumption, subtitling videos has become a must-have for any business looking to stay ahead of the curve in the world of video marketing.

Thank you for reading! We hope that this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to create effective product videos. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.